What is zine city?

Short explanation: A creative space to make zines together!
Long explanation: It's this server, where we can all gather and share a number of personal artworks(recipes, drawings, photography, whatever really!) under a collective deadline for motivation! Then it all gets compiled as as a Zine of The Month, which will be posted either at the end or near the start of the next month!

How do I participate?

Make something! Then toss it into the #zine subs channel in our server, so we can compile them all at the end! That's it, real easy!

I'm not feeling it/I started late, what now?

No pressure! You can still submit whatever you've done, or you can lurk about to watch it be submitted, or wait until you feel up for it!

When does each Zine month start?

The first monday of each month marks our kickoff each Zine! That way there's time to rest and relax and you can reliably know when the Zine starts! We post a countdown in our server for ease as well!

How long will you all be doing this?

6 months is the target goal! We're down to continue past, if there's interest, but really we're hoping for just the 6!